Serving College Rugby in Idaho, Oregon and Washington as part of USA Rugby and NSCRO
Contact Us
Executive Committee:
Gavin Curtis - NCRC Commissioner - gavincurtis@ecophyte.com - 954-643-7346
Jordan Porotesano - President - jporotesano503@gmail.com - 503-544-0318
Jonah Cwik - Treasurer - jonahcwik21@gmail.com - 509-245-3214
Disciplinary Committee:
Overall: Jonathan Whitefield (DC Chairman)
Small Schools Rep.: Kevin Brown and Charles Dainoff (alt.)
Large Schools Rep.: Paul Horne and Will Wheaton (alt.)
​​PNRRS Referee Contacts:
PNRRS Chair: Megan Adams - pnrrschair@gmail.com
Washington: Eric Fleming - lilrugby@gmail.com 425-246-7444
Oregon: Gavin Curtis - gavincurtis@ecophyte.com - 954-643-7346
Idaho: Mark Kubinski - rugbykush@aol.com 208-841-6716
Treasurer: Ben Morrison - pnrrs.treasurer@gmail.com